Harvard Innovation Lab


The Harvard Innovation Lab (Hi Lab) celebrated its first year with an evening for donors. I designed the invitations, retrospective, and an at-a-glance for the event. The at-a-glance piece was also intended to be used after the event and designed to look similar to other at-a-glance brochures distributed by Harvard Business School.


  • design

One Year Celebration collateral

Invitation, one-year retrospective booklet, and at-a-glance guide given to attendees at the one year anniversary event of the opening of the Harvard Innovation Lab.

Invitation, one-year retrospective booklet, and at-a-glance guide given to attendees at the one year anniversary event of the opening of the Harvard Innovation Lab.

Interior spread of the retrospective booklet

Interior spread of the retrospective booklet

Factoids from the at-a-glance were also used in the retrospective booklet.

Factoids from the at-a-glance were also used in the retrospective booklet.

Invitation sent out to donors.

Invitation sent out to donors.

Work created while at Monderer Design.